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The Missionary:  Geraldine Hughes became an international missionary in 1999 when she went to Bulgary to evangelize the Gypisies with Foursquare International.  She went on to begin her own ministry working with the children that lived in the Federal Housing projects of Watts, and currently working with the homeless men and women that live on Skidrow (our nation's largest homeless community).


Singer/Songwriter:  Geraldine Hughes is a gospel singer/songwriter and has sung on platforms such as Dr. Bobby Jones.  She has sung throughout Los Angeles' gospel circuit and has spent 12 years recording original gospel music.


Legal Secretary:  Geraldine Hughes, one of L.A.'s top legal secretaries, worked for the attorney who represented the accuser's father in 1993.  She was an eyewitness to the extortion scheme that was launched against Michael Jackson and came forth on numerous occasions to tell what really happened, but when MJ settled in 1994, it wasn't until "Redemption" that the truth was finally told.


The Author:  Geraldine Hughes released "Redemption" in 2003 on the heels of the second child abuse allegation against Michael Jackson.  While the media hype was trying to prove that "Michael did it again," she interviewed on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, Bill O'Rielly, Dan Abrams, Scarsborough, Acess Hollywood, and did radio interviews, and numerous international documentaries defending Michael Jackson's innocence.  


Geraldine Hughes contends in "Redemption" that she was a ram in the bush and that God gave Michael Jackson something that he didn't give his accuser; a witness.  It is never too late for the truth.  It is never too late for Redemption!



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